Intelligentia Smart Sensors S.r.l.
We do innovative smart sensors.

Intelligentia Smart Sensors S.r.l. was established as an innovative start-up with the goal of promoting the most recent advances in smart sensors , IoT devices, and artificial intelligence for industrial processes monitoring and control.
The company is a spin-off of Intelligentia S.r.l. member of Balance Systems industrial group and involves as co-founders and member of the Board:
- ing. Massimo Mangiarotti expert in dynamic data acquisition systems and sensors domain matured in years of working experience in the sector;
- Marco Penza years of experience in management in process monitoring and Industry 4.0 worldwide strategic sales.
The decision to create the newer firm as a start-up demonstrates the Group’s ambition to promote newer opportunities for our customers by combining best expertise in the industrial sectors with Intelligentia’s technology and smart solutions.
Company data
Intelligentia Smart Sensors S.r.l. – P.IVA 01860490620, REA BN-307615 – Cap. Soc. EUR 10.000,00